

Wizard translations - On time quality translations - french english translator - online language translator
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Show case - Samples

Burravoe ltd : "I was impressed by your work. We will certainly work again together" (John Brown, PM -on financial statments)

Prolang ltd : "Thanks, it's great working with you...Thanks for your work. It was splendid" (Amelia Hyomi Lee, PM - Marketing & catch phrase dev)

Neotranslations : "I learned one thing on this project, and that is : I know who I will work with in the future" (Olivier Lasala, Owner - Large SAP project)

Showcase : absoluteBUSY

AbsoluteBUSY© is a CRM software providing a very simple and efficient way to manage and share customer data, contact informations, events, planning and other usual elements of CRM within a web browser. Upon contact, it was decided the software had to be translated along with the web site.

You can view the translated web site here: www.absoluteBUSY.com, and if interested you can purchase the software in 4 different languages, German, English, Italian and French, making it a tool of choice to interconnect teams from several countries and share common ressources.

Translation Samples.

Following are a few links to documents in Word format, some of it segmented for Trados. Although theses documents do not contain, to the best of my knowledge, any virus, worm, or harmful code of any kind, it must be remembered that, due to the nature of the Internet, they may be contaminated just like any other download, and you should check them out before opening.


New, updated web site at:

Wizard translations has moved to a new website and offers English-French translations services and translation management essentially, but also handles multi-lingual projects, in collaboration with a number of selected translators around the world. Updated content and tutorials

On Time...
On Time...

Translation samples and showcase


It's a little difficult to showcase translations, as most people in need of it will not usually be able to personnaly judge the quality of it by themselves, quite to the contrary of most products you can find on the web.

Take Web design. You may not know a thing about designing a web site, and yet you would be perfectly able to say wether or not you like a web site. You may not know how to program an accounting software, but you certainly can try it and tell if it oes the job. However, unless you speak the target language, you will not be able to judge a translation's quality. This is why I decided to present some feedback from previous clients as well as several translations samples, which you can download using the links below.




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