

Wizard translations - On time quality translations - french english translator - online language translator
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Getting Started

Getting Started

First you need to get your own copy of Wordfast. If you have not done so, please download it now from www.champollion.net. Certainly one of the most amazing things about Wordfast is that it uses about only 1 Mb of disk space. But don't get it wrong, this one megabyte is so packed with functions your eyes will blink. You will also have to register Wordfast on the site to be able to use the unlimited version. Registration is free at this time, and has been so for a few years now. The software's owner is however entitled to change this at any time. In such a case, you will be informed directly on his web page.

I suggest you create a folder to keep different versions of Wordfast, as Wordfast is very regularly updated.


Word's startup path Installation

When opening your zip file, you will find 2 files :

  • wordfast.doc
  • wordfast.dot

wordfast.doc is the manual. It is all inclusive and takes precendence over these web pages, should there be any conflicting instructions. (Please let me know if this occurs)

wordfast.dot is a MS Word template containing Wordfast proper.

To install Wordfast, there are two methods at this time :

The easiest one consists of opening wordfast.doc in Word. Activate macros when prompted to do so, go to the installation section and click on the link "Install Wordfast".

Wordfast installedThe other method consist of locating Word's start up folder on your computer using "Tools/Options", clicking on "Default File Paths" (I use Word in French version, so the names might sometimes be slightly different on your computer). Note the path down, go to "Tools / Macros / security" and select "medium" or "low" as security level. Close Word.

Then, using Windows Explorer copy wordfast.dot inside Word Start up folder.

When you re-open Word, you will find a new toolbar was added in Word. You installed Wordfast. Done


If at any time you feel information is missing to perform a task, please let me know and look in the manual to see if you can find it. I strongly recommend you to get on Wordfast discussion list, at http://groups.yahoo.com/wordfast. Do not ask me questions on using Wordfast directly. Post them on the list. There are quite a few Wordfast literate people there, including Wordfast's creator and programmer, Yves Champollion. Remember, I'm just another happy user trying to present one of his most useful tools to help new users get along with it - Not an all knowing Wordfast Genius.

System Requirements

You need to have a copy of MS Word installed on your computer, and VBA must be enabled. Other then that, you will be able to run Wordfast on Windows or Mac OS.

Please move on to the next page to open Wordfast, and go over the basic settings.

New, updated web site at:
Wizard translations has moved to a new website and offers English-French translations services and translation management essentially, but also handles multi-lingual projects, in collaboration with a number of selected translators around the world. Updated content and tutorials

On Time...
On Time...


French Section :

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