

Wizard translations - On time quality translations - french english translator - online language translator
online language translator
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A small note : I know you will find a lot of online language translators, and you might be surprised to see only three of them here. The reason is that although you find translators in countless web sites, they are essentially the same software. If you look for it, you will see a note saying "Powered by Systran" on more then half of the online translators you will find. If there is another one you would like to mention on this page, please let me know.

Alta Vista online language translator (powered by Systran)

English (online language translator) :"As well as the portable telephones and the assistants electronics, this connected camera, in limited series, a place of choice will occupy among the gadgets High Tech of the consumers, enabling them to capture and share the moments of the life of tous.les.jours," explains Mr. Gareth Jones, Regional manager and Vice president of division DIGITAL & Applied Imaging de Kodak

Remark : Limited to 150 words

SDL International online language translator

English (online language translator) :"To the even entitles that the telephones portables and the attending electronic, this device photo connected, mass limited, will occupy a choice place among the gadgets High Tech of the consumers, allowing for them to capture and to divide the moments of everyday life," explains Mr Gareth Jones, Regional Director and Vice president of the Digital division & Applied Imaging of Kodak

Reverso online language translator

English (online language translator) :" In the same way as mobile phones and assistants electronics, this connected, mass camera limited, will occupy a place of choice among the gadgets High Tech of the consumers, allowing them to arrest and to share the moments of the daily life, " explain Mr Gareth Jones, Regional Director and Vice chair some division Digital and Applied Imaging de Kodak


Each of these softwares uses a different algorythm, and when one of them gives a crooked translation, another one might be closer to the actual meaning. This does not mean that one of them will always give you better results, but simply that, in that specific case, the text happened to match more closely the software's program.

In no case should you consider to translate professional documents using an online language translator. (I mean, it's up to you, but if you have any consideration for your society's image, I strongly advise you seek actual translators.)


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New, updated web site at:

Wizard translations has moved to a new website and offers English-French translations services and translation management essentially, but also handles multi-lingual projects, in collaboration with a number of selected translators around the world. Updated content and tutorials

On Time...
On Time...

Online language translator

Links to online language translator can be found below :

Following this small write-up, you will find links to some of the best ressources availables on the net. Before you go any further, you should know that these translations, performed in real time, are what we call "machine translation", and you might be disapointed by the quality of the translations they produce - or rather, the lack of it. Actually, I took a small easy French text - a past translation of mine - and got it translated into English using each of these services. You will find more informations under the chapter "Machine translations", in the translations page.

Need REAL TRANSLATIONS? Contact me here

Original French text sample :"Au même titre que les téléphones portables et les assistants électronique, cet appareil photo branché, en série limitée, occupera une place de choix parmi les gadgets High Tech des consommateurs, leur permettant de capturer et de partager les moments de la vie de tous les jours," explique Mr Gareth Jones, Directeur Régional et Vice président de la division Digital & Applied Imaging de Kodak




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